Risk Factors

While it is not known precisely why these valves stop working properly for some patients,
factors that increase your risk for venous insufficiency have been identified. These include:

  • Hereditary – The condition tends to run in families.
  • Women are at higher risk of occurrence.
  • Older Age.
  • Pregnancy – The enlarged uterus puts pressure on pelvic veins and causes venous hypertension and insufficiency.
  • Prolonged periods of standing – It’s all due to gravity, as the blood pools in the lowest part of the leg while standing.
  • Obesity – “Heavy belly” in obesity tends to put pressure on pelvic veins and cause venous hypertension and insufficiency.

Venous insufficiency can also be the result of other vein conditions, such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or phlebitis.  DVT is a condition where a blood clot forms in one of the deep veins of the lower leg. The clot can increase pressure in the veins, which can lead to stress on the valves and eventual reflux of blood inside the vein. Phlebitis is characterized by the inflammation or swelling of a deep vein, which can also lead to increased pressure and valve damage.

Contact Us

If you have any concerns about any specific risk factors we encourage you to get in touch with our Springfield, MA office so that we can schedule an appointment. We can be reached by phone at 413.732.4242 or by using the form below.